february of 2024, tumblr got exposed for dealing its user data with openai. people got mad, people combursted. i'm one of those people, i straight up left the site, and any social media i used to be on. i'm too young to mourn the good ol' days, but definitely too old to feel at home when my data is being churned into big brother's meat grinder.
i'm a fairly honest visual artist even though i don't sound like it in english (i sound way less sophisticated in my mother tongue). i see art as a craft, something you need to train both your body and mind rigorously to get a grasp of. that's why you will see me compiling resources for self-learning here, because i think too many folks think of art as a magical thing that only geniuses can do.
outside of art i don't really do anything actually, people has commented that i lead the lifestyle of a monk, devoid of worldly desires or some shit. i wake up, eat, draw, eat, shower, then sleep. my brain is 80% occupied by drawing. though i try to branch out my life experience by picking up other hobbies, drawing remains my main drive to live.
i don't know where else you can find me to be honest, just reach out to me at chaos5623@gmail.com.